Feb 8, 2010


Since I'm kind of sort of a little bit bored at work, I'm trying to come up with stuff to do tonight. By the way, my bra because is making my body so sore for some reason. ...um, so what am I going to eat tonight? I just went grocery shopping (at Trader Joe's, of course!) on my lunch break and bought a bag of frozen Salmon, ground Turkey, 1 navel Orange, Guacamole Kit and organic Broccoli in a bag. 

By the Way, this Guacamole Kit from Trader Joe's is sooo awesome. You can simply make guacamole, or you can use each items in a package individually for other things. The kit is  about $3 and something, and it contains 2 Avocados, 1 Tomato, 1 Lime, 1 Shallot, 2 Jalapenos and some garlic. The other day, I made Chicken with Shallot, Lime and Garlic, then I used Avocados and a Tomato for a salad mixing them with some baby Lettuce! Yummy!

Anyways, I feel like 'spiced ground Turkey' over rice and some steamed vegetables tonight. oK. Something quick and easy, I love it. I need some more variety for ground Turkey meet. Does anybody know a good recipe? This wife-to-be needs to learn some cooking.

Oh! After dinner I want to read the book my mommy recommended for me and Jefferson, Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. 

1 comment:

  1. Yayoi, I don't know about the ground turkey thing...but here are a couple of staples I use in the kitchen: mushrooms, red bellpeppers, granulated garlic, sriracha and mexican squash. I add about a tbsp. of olive oil and sautee these ingredients. I used them in soups, stews, over rice, rice noodles and even stir fried with white canneli beans. Yummmmm! Hope this helps your wife-to-cooking.
